Fisker Ronin goes official on August 3

Max McDee, 30 July 2023

The electric vehicle market is about to get a whole lot spicier with the arrival of the Fisker Ronin. With whispers of a tri-motor all-wheel-drive system and an outlandish 600 miles of range, the Ronin is a promise wrapped in an enigma, hiding behind a curtain of high-tech veneer. But the question remains - can Fisker make good on these ambitious claims?

Now, don't get us wrong - we appreciate a good tease as much as the next person. We've all been treated to some interesting tidbits about this "world's first all-electric, four-door convertible GT sports car." First off, it's set to be an all-wheel-drive beast with an alleged 0-60 mph acceleration in about two seconds. If that doesn't get your heart racing, then we don't know what will. And yes, you read it right – a 4-seat 4-door convertible! Fisker is holding a dedicated Product Vision Day on August 3 when Ronin will finally see the light of day.

Now, onto the pièce de résistance - the promised 600 miles of range. This alone could potentially catapult the Ronin into a league of its own, eclipsing the current record held by the Lucid Air Dream Edition. Skepticism aside, if Fisker can pull this off, it'll have certainly earned its moment in the EV spotlight.

But, if the past is prologue, let's remember that the road to EV greatness is littered with the debris of broken promises and overhyped dreams. So, should we get our hopes up?

Fisker Ronin goes official on August 3

Well, if Ronin's elder sibling, the Fisker Ocean, is anything to go by, then perhaps our hopes are not misplaced. The Ocean not only hit its range target of 350 miles, but it exceeded it with an EPA-rated 360 miles. Perhaps Fisker is onto something here. But the proof, as they say, is in the pudding.

Aesthetically, the Ronin aims to dazzle, with renderings showcasing muscular fenders, a vented hood, and sizable wheels, promising an image of sleek, modern elegance. On the inside, the luxurious, sustainable vegan interior is a clear nod to the growing consumer demand for eco-conscious choices.

But the Ronin isn't Fisker's only gambit in the EV game. The automaker has announced the Pear, an entry-level EV set to hit the market in 2025 with an enticing price tag of under $31,100. This proves Fisker's dedication to diversifying its EV lineup, catering to a broad range of consumer needs and preferences.

Fisker Ronin goes official on August 3

Fisker is set to unveil the Ronin on August 3, and we'll be eagerly watching to see if the car lives up to the hype. Until then, we're keeping our expectations in check, our eyes wide open, and our grains of salt at the ready. After all - there's a long road from unveiling to a consumer product, and many things can happen along the way.

It's hard to tell if the Fisker Ronin is the game-changer we've been waiting for or just another electric fantasy. Let's see if Fisker can turn this electric dream into a reality. Because, let's face it, in the EV world - promises are cheap, but range and performance? That's where the rubber meets the road.


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