Tesla adds a center horn to its steering yoke

Vlad, 13 February 2024

Steering wheels have been round for a long time for a pretty good reason. It's a design that works. Steering wheels have had centered horns for a very long time for the exact same reason. Steering wheels have had stalks for a very long time - you get the idea.

Tesla was having none of any of those when it launched the new Model S with a steering yoke instead, and it's been slowly but steadily backtracking ever since. First the round steering wheel version was re-added, then it became the default option, and now - what do you know - a yoke with a center horn! Miracles do happen after all.

Yes, there's a new Tesla steering yoke in town, and this one has a "new" feature that all other cars have had for decades. You can honk by pressing on the center of the yoke where the Tesla logo is.

But wait, there's more! Apparently, there's added visible stitching across the yoke, and it comes with better build quality too. No stalks, however - maybe Tesla is saving those for a future backtrack. So for now you're stuck with the force touch buttons.

So much for revolutionizing things that haven't been revolutionized in a long time for very good reasons, then.


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great innovation!



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