Tesla Cybertruck 2021 -


  • UNKNOWN soldier

Who wants this...people like apples lovers if apple makea a piece of rock with a logo an a 30000 sollars price IMBECILS will buy it ....like that other situation oh.oh u all gonna die but we have a vaccine that u have to take 3 times or u loose your job...remember nowadays i can't find one person who got vacinated ?? I show my vaccines card they lost heirs...So what is this c'mon man

That 800km option I like.

  • Anonymous

Still waiting 2 years later nothing

it would really help if tesla didnt take 5 years to do everything

  • Anonymous

Darknoor, 17 May 2022Is hating Stalin subjective too? Because in the same logic, it is, but shouldn't be.are you seriously comparing stalin to this truck lol

  • helal

Anonymous , 13 Mar 2023Yeah like the measurable failure in the launching event All best sappot

Anonymous , 13 Mar 2023Hate the design all you want. It's better than another generic pickup truck. I mean peopl... more"You literally have no knowledge regarding vehicles nor pickup truck."

I know just as much as the 90% of pickup truck owners who've never hauled a thing in their life.

"I don't need to talk about the design only to recall how poor this one will be when it's about serving the purpose of pickups."

Refer to the previous statement. Even ignoring that, you made zero points against the design, let alone valid ones.

"And its market already killed by new ev pickups already"

You mean the Ford Lightning that every stupid truck owner hates on? The Rivian truck that every stupid truck owner and sane person hates on?

How about you make some objective claims for once.

  • Anonymous

joenodden, 18 Sep 2022Hate the design all you want. It's better than another generic pickup truck. I mean peopl... moreHate the design all you want. It's better than another generic pickup truck. I mean people insult this by saying it looks like a poorly designed video game vehicle, when the haters look like video game NPCs driving their generic pickups.

This complete bs. You're a troll. You literally have no knowledge regarding vehicles nor pickup truck. I don't need to talk about the design only to recall how poor this one will be when it's about serving the purpose of pickups. And its market already killed by new ev pickups already

  • Anonymous

vrvly, 10 Jan 2023The only car I would feel totally safe in, no matter where.Yeah like the measurable failure in the launching event

Darknoor, 17 May 2022Is hating Stalin subjective too? Because in the same logic, it is, but shouldn't be.No it's not the same logic at all. He wrote you clearly "looks" are subjective. "LOOKS". If you can read and know the meaning of the word then you can tell the difference.

The only car I would feel totally safe in, no matter where.

  • deeznuts4u

Darknoor, 14 Feb 2022I feel so sorry for anyone who actually think this thing looks good.blah blah blah........ bro, cant u c that it will revolutionize the present day wrld?? i mean, look at that thing, its like the gamers dream come true. if u dont like this, then go and destroy the environment by burning gas all day in ur dads pickup.

Hate the design all you want. It's better than another generic pickup truck. I mean people insult this by saying it looks like a poorly designed video game vehicle, when the haters look like video game NPCs driving their generic pickups.

  • Nick Name

You don't need a design degree to design a hat box like that, it's enough just to have been pooped into the world.

  • Design Critic

HIDEOUS, STUPID looking. I will point and laugh at anyone I see dumb enough to be driving this disaster ! This is the modern day Pontiac Aztek ! Learn from Pontiac's mistake, Tesla !

Anonymous, 03 May 2022it's still SUBJECTIVE. You thinking anyone who likes the design have bad taste is still a... moreIs hating Stalin subjective too?
Because in the same logic, it is, but shouldn't be.

  • Anonymous

Darknoor, 20 Apr 2022There is subjective, and there is just bad taste. This thing looks like it is out of a poorly ... moreit's still SUBJECTIVE. You thinking anyone who likes the design have bad taste is still a SUBJECTIVE thought. I agree it looks bad, but lots of people love it so that's that.

Anonymous, 08 Apr 2022Looks are subjective m8, calm down There is subjective, and there is just bad taste. This thing looks like it is out of a poorly designed game from an era no one wishes to return to with all the new graphics.

  • Anonymous

Darknoor, 14 Feb 2022I feel so sorry for anyone who actually think this thing looks good.Looks are subjective m8, calm down

Has anyone bought this? How many Cybertrucks are sold btw!

I feel so sorry for anyone who actually think this thing looks good.