PepsiCo wants 100 Tesla electric trucks on the road but can Semi really deliver?

18 December 2022
In a recent interview with Reuters, Tesla exec confirmed the company plans to have 100 electric trucks in its fleet but some comments raised more questions about Semi’s true range.

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  • Phil Mateleven

Kharp, 20 Dec 2022I hate how all these comments bash Trump or Elon Musk. If fn Pepsi ordered it, I think they kn... moreI am so sick of Musk fanboys who reject reality and don't accept that people have different opinions about him.

  • Phil Mateleven

Kharp , 20 Dec 2022What proof do you have of this claim? I think he's awesome and is doing a public service ... moreWhat color is the sky in your world?

  • Anonymous

Would be golden if they look at what Janus Electric of Australia is doing. Better than Tesla EV trucks.

  • Anonymous

I found one problem with it.A lack of eye sight,from left to right is blocked,which means a wreck is possible because lack of Clearance,in the Windshield.Anybody could,if Driving one of these,just might not see on coming traffic,from the left side,when he,or She,desides to Pass,anyone.anything else,unknown,at this time.

  • Jeremy

Coolworld, 24 Dec 2022Yeah, you read this before and so did I but in order to get to the truth you need to reach mor... moreThere’s a lot of grey area yet to be explained. The bottom line is that carriers are foaming at the mouth at the prospect of controlling costs which is theoretically an exponential benefit over conventional combustion machines. The tech is over 100 years old but only in the last 20 years or so, are we realizing it’s practicalities. We went from horse and buggy to putting man on the moon within 70-80 years! Tech does not evolve in linear fashion. Tesla is not the first pioneer in EV’s and they definitely won’t be the last. Whatever the shortcomings are today, in the coming years, these tech deficiencies will be overcome or be completely reimagined down a different path. I for one do not see EV’s as the silver bullet. It’s more akin to when VHS or Beta tape was introduced. Now, even CD’s and DVDs are a relic. We’re on a fast track to a world we never imagined. Today, EV, tomorrow anti gravity propulsion? LOL! It’s crazy but it’s coming.

  • Coolworld

Adi, 20 Dec 2022So.... why write this article? All it really says is that we don't know exactly all the d... moreYeah, you read this before and so did I but in order to get to the truth you need to reach more peeps so more articles like it will help with that until some normie buys that thing and test it FULLY loaded and publish his/hers/their kuff kuff findings.
Ideally, a consumer organization will do just that eventually.
Meanwhile these Tesla trucks will help with their original goals, push the competition into realizing it's gotta be done and we'll get better trucks.
Atm, this it it, still a woah moment that allows for some sniggers, so a win-win for all.

  • Steve S.

I want to know if these semis will ever be profitable without their government subsidies. Raise the subsidies high enough and a skateboard becomes economically viable.

  • Adi

So.... why write this article? All it really says is that we don't know exactly all the details... which is exactly what I knew before reading this... another article that nobody really needed.

  • Kharp

Anonymous, 18 Dec 2022Elon Musk is the greatest snake oil salesman in the history of mankindWhat proof do you have of this claim? I think he's awesome and is doing a public service by buying and overhauling Twitter. Now, if he could just do that to the government and send all the Dems packing, we would really be great again. Look what Biden has done and is doing to our country. Don't you see they're are literally trying to break the middle class and kill the American dream. They are making everyone poor and STEALING the nations wealth through taxes. Bastards are killing America. That is terrorism, that is treason.

  • Kharp

I hate how all these comments bash Trump or Elon Musk. If fn Pepsi ordered it, I think they know what tf they're doing. Let's compare the salaries of these writers to the guy who owns Pepsi. Pretty sure Pepsi is more profitable and worth more than all these crappy netnews companies all rolled into one. I'm so sick of the bashing of the the people standing up for our American citizens by the msm and by the Ms papers.

  • Anonymous

Elon Musk is the greatest snake oil salesman in the history of mankind