Samsung may start producing 5nm chips for Tesla's FSD cars

15 May 2023
As of now, Samsung is producing 14nm chips for the company along with other sensors and batteries.

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codedslam, 15 May 2023Great, And Samsung Should Work On Their Chipset More To Avoid Over HeatingConsidering the size, cooling and battery that is available to these chips in an electric car, those sentiments are laughable at best.

  • Anonymous

codedslam, 15 May 2023Great, And Samsung Should Work On Their Chipset More To Avoid Over HeatingChips on a vehicle has little concern about overheating, there are no space or thermal management constrain like on tiny phones.

  • Dave Granger

There is no such thing as a 'Fully Self-Driving' Tesla.

  • Teleserenity

*Elon Musk

Mosk? Mosque!?

They would do a lot better with Qualcomm or Dimensity.
Anything better than Crapsynos.

  • Anonymous

Calling it now. It doesn't happen.

  • Anonymous

Samsung producing batteries for tesla? must be why several of them have caught fire over the years

  • codedslam

Great, And Samsung Should Work On Their Chipset More To Avoid Over Heating