Huawei and Chery's answer to Tesla Model Y - Luxeed S9 spotted in China

02 December 2023
The Luxeed S9, an all-electric fastback SUV developed in collaboration between Huawei and Chery, is gearing up to take on the Tesla Model Y in the Chinese EV market with its impressive performance, sleek design, and a range of battery options.

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  • Anonymous

So, Huawei thinks they can take on Tesla with their new S9? I highly doubt it! Tesla has been dominating the EV market for years, and it'll take a lot more than a joint venture to dethrone them.

  • Anonymous

answer to Tesla? pfft....maybe try that statement again after Huawei has designed some pants wetting cars for 10 years, put one some name that makes sense to us, and have their CEO dances on the stage.