Tesla unlocks extra miles for Model Y

06 May 2024
Tesla throws a curveball, upgrading Model Y range and offering a boost to existing owners.

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  • Anonymous

Theo, 10 May 2024So Tesla was secretly installing larger batteries in their shortrange Model Ys all along? This... moreIts cheaper to sell the same battery for a discount, having it software limited, than built a different battery especially for that shorter range.

It's the same thing that happens in silicon chips, for example. I work in chip design, memories, small SPI or I2C EEproms. A very tiny 8-16kbit memory (1-2 kbyte) is used for storing small amounts of data for configuration of some hardware/software stuff. It's more expensive to design an 8 kbit and a 16 kbit different chips, it requires lots of effort and the benefit is very low. So, design the 16kbit version and just disable half the memory for the 8kbit product, either software, with a fuse bit programable, or hardware, with a different metal mask. With software trick it's possible to allow access to the full physical array, but that will require to divulge to the customer the software trick to unlock. In Tesla's case the software does the unlocking, the customer has no access to do other tricks, it's secure. They sold the FSD hardware for a while embedd, but deactivated, for a small price, such that later on, for a small fee could have been unlocked, otherwise without the hardware, getting FSD would have required a visit to Tesla service to install the board or some hardware chip.

  • kieron

Smart move by Tesla! Having a range below 300 miles wouldn't do their brand any favors.

  • Theo

So Tesla was secretly installing larger batteries in their shortrange Model Ys all along? This just goes to show that Tesla is always finding ways to squeeze more money.

  • Popop

Real reason : ”We have to pay the top executives bonuses somehow..."

  • Akinaro

"We have to pay the bills somehow."

But Tesla barely pay any taxes.... and get MASSIVE amount of money from gov(US, EU etc)