Chinese insurance data suggests Xiaomi is delivering over 13,000 SU7s per month

24 June 2024
If the trend continues, Xiaomi will exceed its 100,000 target by a large margin.

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  • Anonymous

Ok. I am giving up.

  • Anonymous

Ok, sorry. For some reason only part of my reply was posted and posting once more didn't help. Hopefully this one will be ok.

China produces ~26 million cars per year, Xiaomi's

  • Anonymous

Anonymous, 04 Jul 2024"xiaomi is an important brand in China due to its local economic contribution. that'... moreChinese have more than enough of their own EV brands, so one missing Xiaomi with

  • Anonymous

yalim, 03 Jul 2024posting promoting news at least once a week only on su7 on this site part of hype. Chinese peo... more"xiaomi is an important brand in China due to its local economic contribution. that's why xiaomi's new big investment is hyped no matter what. "
Chinese have more than enough of their own EV brands, so one missing Xiaomi with

  • Anonymous

yalim, 03 Jul 2024posting promoting news at least once a week only on su7 on this site part of hype. Chinese peo... more"posting promoting news at least once a week only on su7 on this site part of hype. Chinese people read these news, too."
If It was daily, then ok, but you are nitpicking about one news per week.
And how many chinese people read these news here? A few dozens at most? And you can bet they also read their domestic ones, so It's irrelevant what they read here.

"xiaomi is an important brand in China due to its local economic contribution. that's why xiaomi's new big investment is hyped no matter what. "
Chinese have more than enough of their own EV brands, so one missing Xiaomi with

Anonymous, 02 Jul 2024What hyping? Can't you read? This article only mentions the amount of cars delivered. BT... moreposting promoting news at least once a week only on su7 on this site part of hype. Chinese people read these news, too. xiaomi is an important brand in China due to its local economic contribution. that's why xiaomi's new big investment is hyped no matter what. nobody will say that they were not ready, unprepared and really screwed in making a car. we could discuss about brake quality issues in 1970s, airbag malfunctions in early 2000s but, these discussions do not belong to 2024. such an ignorance on a safety component cannot be fixed by warranty replacements after the car has gone out of production line.

  • Anonymous

yalim, 02 Jul 2024Hyping a trash can is annoying. My comments only highlight the elephant in the room and probab... moreWhat hyping? Can't you read? This article only mentions the amount of cars delivered.
BTW, If you didn't notice, this is not a chinese site and Xiaomi cars are so far sold only in China, so your comments will hardly save anyone.
And I highly doubt chinese authorities are willing to allow dangerous cars on their roads or that you think Chinese are stupid enough to buy a car which has faulty brakes.

Anonymous, 30 Jun 2024And It's people's choice to buy what they want regardless of what you think about It... moreHyping a trash can is annoying. My comments only highlight the elephant in the room and probably may save a few lives which no xiaomi influencer care.

  • Ramsy

It is now,wake up,start your own

  • Anonymous

yalim, 29 Jun 2024If follow the news so closely,start with creating a real account. My comments are my choice. X... moreAnd It's people's choice to buy what they want regardless of what you think about It.
You won't buy a Xiaomi car, yet you keep b*tching about It all the time, It's very annoying.
It's hilarious how you think that faulty brakes are not under warranty and that the owners wouldn't complain.

P.S. I don't see any reason for making an account, I can post even without It no problem.

Anonymous, 25 Jun 2024How much do they pay you for this constant trolling? Every time there is an Xiaomi car news, ... moreIf follow the news so closely,start with creating a real account. My comments are my choice. Xiaomi is not a car company, i have been warning for almost 2 years and the trash can they sell is a proof of my concerns.

  • Anonymous

yalim, 25 Jun 2024In 2024, a car that cannot even deliver the basic safety systems (brakes) can exceed customer ... moreHow much do they pay you for this constant trolling?
Every time there is an Xiaomi car news, there is a comment from you.

In 2024, a car that cannot even deliver the basic safety systems (brakes) can exceed customer expectations is hilarious lol