The EU votes to apply extra tariffs on Chinese EVs

04 October 2024
Chinese-made EVs will become significantly more expensive next month.

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  • Anonymous

Anonymous, 15 hours agoThe western countries have learned to accuse other countries of doing things that they do them... moreIf you think about It, then China is the good guy, because they use their own money to make their cars cheaper for Europeans.
And EU the bad guy, because they make It more expensive by adding additional tariffs.

These tariffs will just make Chinese cars more expensive, ok probably some will make some manufacturing plants here in EU, but then the cars will still be more expensive, because production in EU is more expensive, but maybe not by that much.
Then the other problem is that China will certainly retaliate in some form, there is a reason why Germany was against It, because China is their biggest market.
This is still just the cars, but who knows If China won't also retaliate in other sectors?

I can understand that EU car makers are not very competitive against Chinese ones and we can't leave them to go bankrupt, so we would end up dependent on other countries for cars, but I don't think this is the way.

  • user


  • Anonymous

Anonymous, 15 hours ago"However, it won't be an easy task as even after the European Commission's prob... moreThe western countries have learned to accuse other countries of doing things that they do themselves. This way, their own people think that they live in a democratic and transparent world.
"If China is supposed to be the bad guy and subsidizes its automotive companies, then we are the good guys and don't do that."

  • Anonymous

Actually It is 267 million € for Volvo.
And It was allowed by EU because of green energy, job creation and regional development.
3300 direct jobs,
So 80,909 € dotation per created job. That's enough to pay a worker for ~2.5-3 years on average.

So where are the numbers about China's support?

  • Anonymous

"However, it won't be an easy task as even after the European Commission's probe, China denies the subsidies it provides to EV manufacturers."
I want to see numbers about those subsidies, not just useless text about some EU probe.
BTW, Volvo is currently building a factory and received state support in my country, the same happened with Jaguar and Kia years ago.
Tesla without subsidies and state support would have gone bankrupt a long time ago.
So what are we talking about here?
And then what were the original 10% tariff about? Realized Chinese cars were still too cheap?

  • Anonymous

Tesla gets the lowest. No wonder.

  • Anonymous

notice the tariff on tesla, just enough to say 'look, we dont discriminate' but not too much.

must wonder which country that should appease.

  • Anonymous

Have 0 tariff on cheaper chinese EVs. It will help increase EV adoption rate. Add tariffs to Chinese EVs that cost more than $30k, this will help local automakers compete.