Skoda Enyaq iV 2020 - 2023


  • Nomo

@Minty: And which design do you prefer as "young and cool-looking"? The Potato-Design from Tesla or all the cars that resemble the front-appearance from the Mad Max cars (huge front-grill)?

  • renard argente

Minty, 14 Feb 2022Now if that body shape doesn't say 'old man's car', dunno what does...In that mint colour: Yes

Got it ! I’m super excited ! I’m 42 years old !!!
Very big car? Lots and lots of space, top quality materials and driving experience.

I only regret I don’t go for 80kW battery. This one barely gets 300km range on the highway.

Now if that body shape doesn't say 'old man's car', dunno what does...